I don’t know about where you live, but where I’m at the weather has been beautiful. Its been warm during the days and gets a little cool in the evenings. Its the kind of weather that makes you want to be outside for at least part of it.
Yes, it is important that you have furniture on your deck and that it be comfortable, but you probably have some already if you try to use your deck at all.
Need some tips on building a beautiful deck? Check out this post
What I’m talking about is the difference between a deck that draws you in and one that is just there.
One point I want to touch on first is safety. The vertical supports of your deck railings should not be more than a few inches apart. I hope that I don’t need to say that you need a railing. Even a low to the ground deck can cause some pain if someone accidentally steps off backwards. The reason for the small space between the vertical supports is so a small child can’t get their head stuck.
It may seem easy to say that you don’t have any small children on your deck but what happens if you get some new neighbors who do have small children?
Another great way to dress up your deck is with hanging plants. You can find small evergreen shrubs that will work will potted and can be hung from the roof supports. You can also use small evergreen trees in Terra-cotta pots in the corners to add some color to your deck.
Learn more about using containers to add landscaping beauty here
If you have the ability you may consider having some fun with lighting. Have you noticed that a lot of outdoor cafes will string white Christmas lights and leave them up year round? You can do the same.