Gardening Tips for Your Spring Blooming Bulbs

Spring is around the corner, and everything from trees to bushes to bulbs will be in bloom before you know it! Sadly, we can only enjoy the beautiful sights of spring for a short time, since most plants have flowers lasting briefly before the leaves come in for the long summer. Daffodils, Tulips, Hyacinths and other spring blooming bulbs only open for just a few short weeks during the spring. Although these bulbs blossom for a short time period, there are a few things you can do to keep looking at these stunning flowers for as long as possible.

One of the best things you can do is in the fall, several months before your bulbs start to come up. Plant a large quantity of bulbs containing several different varieties of each type of bulb. Daffodils come in many different sizes and color combinations, as do tulips and hyacinths. Vary the different varieties around your yard so you will have taller and shorter, larger and smaller flowers blooming all at the same time. Also, all bulbs flower in the spring; however the season is separated into early, mid and late spring. Check the bloom time of each variety and include bulbs from different time frames. This will keep the overall look of your yard flowering for an extended amount of time.

Check Out: Mulch Your Flower Bulbs in the Fall for a Beautiful Spring Display

Apply a granular fertilizer to your bulbs in the fall and again in early spring, just as the temperatures start to warm up. Fertilizing two times will maximize feeding your bulbs so they will grow not only taller but also you will have more flowers per bulb as well. If either season is dry, make sure to water the fertilizer in so it reaches the bulbs down below. If you are not a fan of granular fertilizer, a soaking with a liquid fertilizer will do the same job. Look for a general 10-10-10 or even a 20-20-20 if you can find one. Both will give you the results you are looking for.

Check Out: Caring for Your Plant Bulbs

Who doesn’t love to bring the beauty of your flowers indoors? Many people cut several stems after the flowers bloom to make a quick bouquet, but they frequently just toss them in a vase. Adding a general cut flower solution to the water in a vase will prolong the life of your spring flowers indoors. These packets can be picked up at any local flower store or in the floral department at your grocery store. Hyacinths make fantastic cut flowers because of their delightful smell and the interesting design of the bloom itself. But don’t count out Daffodils or Tulips either. There are several new varieties on the market you can smell as well.

Finally, after your bulbs have flowered and everything begins to wither, only remove the faded flowers and stems. Do not cut back the leaves off until after they have turned yellow and died back. The bulb itself requires the last bit of energy from its leaves to form the following year’s flowers. This also makes the bulb stronger and more likely to spread in the future. After several years of blooming, a single patch of daffodils can turn into hundreds and can take over a huge part of your yard.

Check Out: Flower Bulbs for Beginners

Keep these ideas in the back of your head as you watch the spring bulbs come up and flower this year. In some areas depending on your weather, you might be able to go ahead and kick start the bulbs this year by watering in some fertilizer now. Following these simple steps will help you to have an entire three months, jam-packed with a dazzling display of flowers.

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