If you have the chance to glimpse the gardens of the rich and famous, you’ll notice that most of them have lawns. This isn’t surprising because unlike other types of gardens and landscape designs, lawns are easier to maintain and pretty on the eyes because of their neat symmetry.
The Right Way of Choosing a Lawn
For purposes of definition, any area where grass is growing evenly and at a low height can be referred to as a lawn. Sometimes, other plants may grow on it, depending on the preferences of the owner.
If you feel like having a lawn, there are a lot of things that you have to consider first. You can’t just wrinkle your nose, point to your neighbor’s lawn and have the same one. If the type of soil you’re using in your garden is different from your neighbor’s, it might not be possible for you to have exactly the same lawn as theirs.
Check Out: How to Plant Grass Seed
The most important thing to consider when choosing what type of lawn to build or design for your home is its purpose. Why do you wish to have a lawn? Is it purely for ornamental and aesthetic reasons? Do you simply want to make your home beautiful?
If that’s so, then you probably need not cut your grass too short and you have the liberty of using almost any type of lawn grass. You also have the option of growing other plants and flowers to enhance its appearance – an alternative that’s not feasible for other types of lawns because it could hinder movement. Also, make sure to post a “keep off the grass” sign on your lawn or all your hard work would simply go to waste.
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Other homeowners are interested in having lawns to cover sloping areas or use it in their terraces. For both purposes, you have to keep your grass at a medium height. Also, there are specific types of grasses such as centipede grass and buffalo grass that are wonderfully suited for such use.
Check Out: A Take on Grasses – Appreciating the Lowly but Important Garden Element
Some prefer to have lawns to play football. If your kids share the same passions – regardless of whether it’s the European kind or American – you’ll have to keep the grass level no higher than 35mm and no lower than 25mm. Creeping bent grass and other similar types of grass is an excellent choice for this kind of lawn. These grass types allow people to move freely and easily, but if they do stumble – the characteristics of these grass types can easily soften the impact of their fall.
Check Out: 3 Steps To Green Grass this Summer
Now, if you don’t mind having your lawn trampled upon once in a while then you could use a park styled design for your lawn. With this kind of lawn, you can keep your grass height as high as 60mm but no lower than 40mm. This type of lawn is generally the easiest to maintain because it only needs sunlight and regular watering to grow beautifully. You need not exert too much effort on its care and maintenance. Lawn grass of this kind is the best choice for occasional garden parties.
Another type of lawn you could have is the one using playfield grass. This allows even rougher play than the previously discussed lawn type. With this kind of lawn, you can let your kids scamper around as long as they want and in any way they wish. The ideal grass height for this kind should be from 25 to 35mm. Red fescue grass is a good choice for this particular kind of lawn.
Check Out: Lawn & Landscape Watering Tips
Lastly, if you’ve got money to burn then you might be interested in having your own mini golf course in your backyard. If so, be aware that this will take careful preparation since different parts of a golf course requires different types of grass and lawn care.
There are other factors to consider besides purpose. Size always matters – how much space can you afford to dedicate to your lawn plans? What about your budget? How much are you willing to spend on your lawn? The type of weather and soil you have can also affect your decision. Take these all into consideration before hiring a gardener and landscape artist to put your plans into motion.