Something you may want to consider before it gets really cold, is what do you need to do with your yard before its too late. Some we have already talked about, including your sprinkler shut down and some pruning. In this article I wanted to talk about some additional proactive steps you can take.
Check Out: Fragrant Winter Shrubs: Perfuming Your Garden
All those falling leaves do not need to be just a pain in the back. Put them to use. You will want to shred them up a bit before you throw them in a compost pile, but they make a great addition. If you throw them in whole they can mess up the whole composting process, but break them up when they are dry and mix them in and they will work great.
Now is a great time to add some manure or compost to your yard or garden. As always, especially with fertilizers, check with your local nursery first, but this will give it the fall and winter to settle into your soil and be ready for spring and well as strengthen through the cold.
Check Out: Understanding Composting
A personal recommendation is that you begin to prepare for winter guests. With the lack of color and plant activity, the winter is a great time to invite wildlife into your yard. Besides, if you don’t invite them, they may just show up and feast on something that you don’t want them to eat. Protect the plants that you don’t want touched by using screens and wires, but put out some food such as nuts and seeds to let everyone know where they are welcome.