4 No Cost Ways to Cut Heating Bills
When winter hits, the temperatures drop and your heating bill goes up. Tired of grimacing each month as you tear open your heating bill? This year, don’t let the temperature change wreak havoc on your stress levels and wallet. Save money by making small adjustments that can help keep heat from escaping from your home.
Cover Windows
Keep heat from escaping through the cracks in your windows by covering your windows with a clear material such as Frost King®. Garbage bags are another option; however they can eliminate your ability to see outside and are pretty much unsightly. These might be good for windows on the back or side of the house.
4 No Cost Ways to Cut Heating Bills
Put Up Sheets
Cover Door Bottoms
Heat loss through doors can be a significant source of energy waste. During the winter, cold air can seep in through gaps under doors, making your home feel chilly and driving up your heating bills. To prevent this heat loss, you can use rugs, towels, or door blockers to seal off these gaps and keep the warmth inside.
Here are some tips for blocking drafts from doors:
For unused doors: Place a rug or towel against the bottom of the door to block the gap. This is a simple and inexpensive solution that can be effective in stopping drafts.
For regularly used doors: Use formal, custom door blockers or draft stoppers. These are more durable and aesthetically pleasing than rugs or towels, and they can be a stylish addition to your home décor. Choose door blockers in a color that complements your décor.
For exterior doors: Use a door sweep. A door sweep is a strip of material that is attached to the bottom of the door and sweeps the floor as the door opens and closes. This can help to prevent cold air from seeping in under the door.
By taking these simple steps, you can reduce heat loss through doors and save money on your heating bills.
Check out 10 ways to Reduce Your Home Heating Bill for more tips
Close Doors
Another way to prevent heat from escaping and lower your heating bills is to section off parts of the house that are rarely used. Close all doors, even to rooms used regularly, unless someone is occupying the room. You can always open the door an hour or two before use to warm it up. Be sure to close the vents in each room. Covering the closed vents with a box or ottoman will help redirect heat to other parts of the house.