Flower Arranging Made Easy for Beginners

Practice the Art of Floral Arrangements with Flowers from the Garden

A beautiful flower arrangement, in colours that blend with the decor, will make any room more attractive. However, professional floral displays don’t come cheap. Therefore, people who like to have flowers throughout the house need to make the arrangements themselves. Flower arranging is an art that can be learned. Initially flowers and foliage from the garden can be used to create simple arrangements that will complement a variety of decor and rooms.

If necessary, there is always the opportunity to undertake a formal course in flower arranging or it is also possible to do some self-study by referring to magazines or books.

However, a few items will be required to make the initial process easy and enjoyable.

Items Required to Start Floral Arrangements

The three basic items necessary to make a beautiful display with flowers is quite simple.

  1. Vase or Container- There is no need to buy special vases. Almost anything that can hold water can be used as a vase. This makes it very easy to select the size, colour and shape to suit the type of flowers and the decor. For instance any of the following will make a suitable and unique vase:
    • Shallow bowl
    • Serving dish
    • Large wine glass
    • Tall drinking glass
  2. Flower Holder- There are basically three types of holders that can be used. This is an area that some money would need to be spent.
    • Oasis or Floral Foam- this can be purchased in a block and cut to the shape and size required.
    • Pinholder- these come in various shapes and sizes.
    • Chicken wire- a small piece that can be crumpled to fit the size of the container.
  3. Sharp Scissor or Knife.

Choosing the Items for the Floral Arrangement

The vase or container should be in scale with the piece of furniture that it will stand on. Also the size of the container dictates how many flowers or leaves are required. Therefore, small or medium containers are quite useful because large containers would need more flowers and leaves.

Check Out: Tips to Improve Flower Arrangements

The choice of the holder will depend on the size and shape of the vase or container and to a certain extent the type of flowers and foliage being used. For instance chicken wire will be more suitable for flowers with woody stems that will be too heavy to be placed in an oasis or pinholder.

The choice of flowers and foliage will of course depend on what is available in the garden and what will complement the decor of the home.

Check Out: 5 Ways to Dry Flowers for Crafts

Method to Form the Display

Choose the style of arrangement that suits the container, the holder and flowers that are in the garden and start practicing. If the display does not turnout exactly as planned, don’t despair. Remember ‘practice makes perfect.’ Practice, coupled with some professional tips and help, will soon get one arranging home-grown flowers into beautiful displays in no time.

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