Planting Bare Root Roses

Before planting, the plants must be prepared. The following suggestions will help insure that your roses grow into healthy bushes, trees, etc.:


1.Your new roses have probably dried out during shipping or storage, therefore before planting, either bury the roots in wet saw dust or peat moss for several days or soak them overnight in water. Keep the roots wet when planting, do not let them dry out.

2.Prune damaged and broken roots.

3.Prune main roots just enough to reveal white healthy tissue. This will help more roots grow.

4.Prune the plant back to three or four healthy canes. Try to keep the center of the plant empty. Prune the healthy canes back to about six (6) inches using sharp pruning shears. Keep the cutting blade on the lower side. Cut at a 45 to 60 degree angle. Cut about one fourth inch above an outside bud union.

5.In order to prevent infection, treat the cuts with some type of sealant or sealing paint.

6.Make sure that you have removed any suckers that may have started growing during shipping or storage.


The following should be taken into consideration when selecting where to plant your roses.:


1.Roses are susceptible to mildew and funguses, therefore plant where there is good air movement in order to help the foliage stay dry.

2.Plant where the bushes will get at least six hours of sun a day with as much morning sun as possible.

3.Try to plant away from large trees and shrubs as they will compete for food, moisture and sunlight.

4.Find an area with soil that drains well or add gravel or cinder below the prepared soil. Poor drainage may cause root rot.

5.Try not to plant on a steep slope. Soil erosion can cause the root structure to become exposed.

6.Plant the bushes at least two feet apart, two and one half feet is better.


Digging and preparing the hole:


1.Dig your hole twelve to sixteen inches deep and fifteen to seventeen inches wide.

2.Work compost or planters soil (not potting soil) into the loose dirt.

3.Make a cone of the prepared soil in the center of the hole in order to support the spread out roots and to hold the bush at the proper height. In cold winter areas the bud or graft union should be between one and two inches below the soil level. In mild climates the union should be an inch or so above the soil level. Planting the union below soil level helps protect from the cold and planting the union above soil level makes it easier to detect and remove suckers.

4.Place the plant over the cone, spreading the roots and then fill the hole with soil mix until it is about two thirds full. Now fill the hole with water, let it soak in and then fill with water again.

5.After the second fill with water has soaked in fill the hole to the proper level with the remaining prepared soil. Now gently firm the soil around the plant.


After planting the roses it helps to add an organic mulch.:


1.Organic mulches can help rebuild the humus content of the soil, retain soil moisture, encourage root growth, control weeds, prevent soil crusting and erosion, help even out soil temperature, add helpful bacteria, etc..

2.There are numerous types of organic mulch, such as bark, pecan hulls, peat moss and buckwheat hulls.

3.Contrary to old beliefs, mulch can and should be left on all year long.

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