Tips for Fire-Safe Landscaping

With the threat of global warming making its presence felt around the country and the world,no plants, bushes, and trees are safe within the heat that our “new” summer days has been offering us; making your landscaping vulnerable to the summer heat.

With this in mind here are 15 tips on how and what you can do to keep your home and landscaping fire-safe from those blistering summer days:

Tip 1: Make sure to remove any dead plants, and dry wood away from your home. Clean any loose debris that might be a hazard.

Tip 2: Prune any trees that are at least 10 to 20 feet from your home.

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Tip 3: If you have any flammable trees and/or plants replace them with plants that are not easy to catch a fire. For example, try Ice plants.

Tip 4: Clear the roof and under your home from any shrubs and trees.

Tip 5: When planting your plant allow plenty of space in between them Avoid of planting anything that are in need of been tightening together.

Tip6: Mow your grass.

Tip 7: If you use mulch keep away from pine bark.

Tip 8: Choose fire resistance material. You can do this by visiting the nearest nursery in your neighborhood.

Tip 9: Design Zones that are fire-safe. You can use stone walls, swimming pools, and roadways.

Tip 10: When gardening use high moisture plants. Theses plants will keep from becoming dry during the hot summer days. Also try to choose plants that can resist ignitions. For example, rock rose and Ice plants. You can find out more about plats in a local nursery.

Tip 11: Water your landscape.

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FIre-safe landscapingTip12: Store anything that might be flammable at least 30 feet way. This includes woods you might us for the winter seasons.

Tip 13: Always, no matter where you live, installed smoke alarms through out your landscape.

Tip 14: If you have a slope in your property, it is a good idea to include defensible barriers.

Tip 15: When adding additions to your property be aware of what you are adding. Be sure that they are not flammable.

Keep in mind that if you followed these tips your landscaping and home can be fire-safe. Also, if your community can work together you all can prevent fire from spreading. Talk to your neighbor and see if you can help one another. This way one person’s fire does not become another person’s problem.

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