Understanding Lawn Sod
Lawn sod is grass which is produced as a living carpet
Numerous grasses grow by developing a complex root system which travels outward and then resurfaces, building new blades of grass. This conduct might be unwanted, for example with bamboos that over take a place, or possibly for gardeners who want the grass to keep away from their garden. However, for sod farmers, together with people who buy sod, this character of “running” helps make sod grasses practical. As a result, a sod farmer will sow a spot of grass and the separate plants expand out and intertwine with their counterparts. After several seasons, the level of earth below the lawn is a solid tangle of roots.
Lawn sod describes both the visible grass as well as the area of roots growing several inches into the ground. Even though grass roots will run deeper, the primary two inches of earth are loaded with this intricate tangle which builds a mat. This mat will be scraped up from the earth by sod farmers who cultivate fields of turf for relocation to customer’s lawns.
It needs a few years for a freshly seeded location to grow to be developed enough to be taken up in sheets. Therefore, those who buy lawn sod are buying the usage of that land on a sod farm for a few years, together with water as well as work over those years. A sod grass yard is consequently much more expensive compared to a sown lawn.
Due to this expense, lawn sods are generally employed for special events and grand openings in which the perfect lawn is required immediately. It will take just 14 days for transferred sod to set up on its own suitably to be walked upon. A seeded lawn may require several months to establish on its own suitably, however a full season is ideal.
Learn the steps to install lawn sod
Lawn sods need to be acquired as locally as you possibly can, since lawn sod laid in a local climate comparable to where it was produced will work better. Without a nearby lawn sod supply, selecting the proper warm or cold season type can help guarantee the sod takes to the different habitat.
Whenever the lawn sod is initially put in:
Water the lawn sod two times per day throughout the first 14 days. Keep the sod damp – not drenched, not with water puddles.
- Keep away from the grass! Any kind of traffic that treads on the sod threatens seam separation as well as root detachment. Whenever you must go across the lawn, walk as delicately as is possible.
When you initially mow the lawn:
- You are able to typically mow the lawn sod three weeks after it is put in, or once it grows to a length of about three inches tall – whichever occurs first.
- Set the mower elevation to two and a half inches so that you do not induce stress by mowing the grass too short.
- Under no circumstances mow the sod in the event that it’s damp. Mowing wet sod puts the lawn in danger of acquiring a matting issue, which results in an ailing root structure.
- Mow once per week for as long as the lawn sod is growing. Never ever mow over a third of the grass blade’s length in a single mowing.
How to weed and feed the new lawn:
- Once you first mow the lawn sod, feed it with a nitrogen concentrated fertilizer. In successive years, make use of a pre-emergent every spring and fall. This will assist in keeping any kind of weeds from getting out of hand.
- Fertilize every 6-8 weeks throughout the growing season. Make sure to adhere to all the instructions so that you don’t employ an excessive amount of nitrogen. A lightweight application of fertilizer is way more advantageous as compared with making use of an excessive amount. Use organic fertilizers which can be normally lower in nitrogen content.
- Battle crabgrass with a post-emergent herbicide, not with weed and feed. Weed and feed will simply make crabgrass grow and spread.
Water sensible:
- Water the lawn sod significantly less often, but also for a lengthier time period. This encourages healthy roots that can develop deep and keep the lawn appearing healthy.
- Water in the wintertime. Whenever the sod is initially planted, watering is particularly critical – even locations that do not encounter a freeze. Once per week when it fails to rain is an excellent rule-of-thumb.
- Water in the morning time. Watering early in the day will help you to prevent evaporation. It can also help to hinder the development of yard fungus, which frequently occurs in lawns which are watered in the late afternoon and evening.
Check out our Lawn Sprinkler Ultimate Guide to learn more about proper watering.
Following these guidelines, get ready to enjoy easy-to-manage sod grass which is the envy of your neighborhood. After a little servicing, the grass will become healthy, resilient, and lush – just the sort of lawn you envisioned at the time you first planted the lawn sod.
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