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Fountains Give Your Landscaping a Whole New Dimension
Fountains are a beautiful and soothing addition to any garden. They are easy to install, generally coming with everything you need, and they add a serene elegance to everything surrounding them. There are multiple benefits to having a fountain. It provides a peaceful gathering place for wildlife, especially birds, and the sound of the water alone…
Backyard Landscaping Ideas on a Budget
The backyard is the last bastion of artistic expression on your property, and can create a bit of a private…
Principles of Landscape Design
Whether you plan on "borrowing ideas" or plan on creating your own landscaping design, you should have at the very…
Landscaping is Important
A lot of homeowners landscape their homes primarily because they want to make their surroundings more attractive. But more than that, a landscaped house usually has a higher real estate value than one that isn't.
People who want to have their properties landscaped usually acquire the services of professionals. Landscaping is a time and…
Pruning and Cutting Guide
Pruning is not difficult. It stimulates growth, the plant gets older and remains longer in bloom. Always use good…
Summer Pruning of trees, flowers and bushes
A proper summer pruning for trees and bushes can cause fruit trees to bear more fruit, bring about a second round…
Lawn Trimmer and Brushcutter Guide
Use a lawn trimmer or brush cutter for clean lawn edges, ditches or remove weeds. There are different types for sale. Maintain them well and work safely.
Lawn Trimmer
A lawn trimmer is indispensable to clean lawn edges. What can you best use depends on the size of your lawn and what you use it for. The larger the lawn, the greater the cutting…