Landscaping Adds Growing Value

Landscaping is one of the few home investments you can make that actually continues to add value even after the initial installation. According to numerous studies, landscaping can give you an initial return of 75 to 100% of your investment. With these numbers, it’s easy to see why landscaping is a popular choice for homeowners looking to improve the value of their property

Invest in Landscaping and Watch Your Property Value Grow

But, the real beauty of an investment into landscaping is that, unlike other home improvement investments, it actually grows in value over time. Let’s take for instance a typical landscaping renovation project. Most people opt for plants that are small and, thus, less expensive. If you were to choose a plant package that includes 10 1-gallon azaleas, 5 1-gallon Yaupon hollies, and a 6-foot Magnolia, you could expect to pay approximately $275 for these plants. In two years your azaleas and hollies are now 3-gallon plants, and your magnolia is now at least 8 feet tall. Your plant package, which was worth around $275 initially, is now worth around $450. No other home improvement can offer this type of financial gain.

Check Out: How to Landscape with Roses

Here are a few tips on how to maintain and even increase the value of your landscaping.

# 1 – Make sure your trees and plants receive proper pruning, watering, and fertilizing. A healthy plant is a happy plant.

# 2 – Your trees and plants need to be protected from insects and diseases. Insects and diseases can completely wipe out certain species of plants and trees.

# 3 – Mulch annually. Not only does mulch give your landscaping a fresh look it also helps your plants by retaining water and adding vital nutrients into the soil.

Spend a little time this year on your landscaping and watch your property “grow” in value.

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