Lawn Care FAQ

Q: How often should I cut my lawn?

A: As part of quality lawn care, regular cutting with a mower should be observed and the grass should be cut to an even height. Cutting your lawn once per week should be sufficient.


Q: What is the purpose of raking my lawn?

A: This is commonly done in order to remove dead grass. Many people only rake their lawn in the fall as the leaves begin to cover their yard, but a part of effective lawn care requires that lawns by raked during other seasons as well.


Q: Does lawn care require that I water my lawn?

A: Not everyone does this, but it is recommended that lawns be watered in order to avoid having the grass to dry up and turn brown. If this happens, you could be left with brown spots in your yard.

To get a lush green lawn, make sure you are irrigating it properly. There are many ways to do that, and we have compiled them into a helpful post here.


Our lawn sprinkler guide contains more information on proper lawn watering.


Q: I have a dog and he is reeking havoc on the yard. How can I replant my lawn with success?

A: Dogs and lawn care are not the best match, but they can work together. When you replant your lawn, consider using seeds that are specifically designed for high traffic areas. Other factors that may worsen the effect that your dog is having on the lawn may include a chain dragging the grass and exposing the dirt surface below or if your dog is prone to digging.


Bare spots in your lawn a problem, check out this post.


Q: Should I use harsh chemicals on my lawn in order to rid it of pests and insects?

A: Many experts agree that this is a bad idea for several reasons. If you have children who play in the yard, this may be unhealthy for them. The same is true of pets, who make it a habit of digging or even eating grass at times. In addition, harsh chemicals often do more harm than good to your lawn and are certainly no friend of the environment. Instead, try a bug light or other means of ridding your lawn of insects and other pests.


Q: My lawn has brownish, yellow patches in it, what is causing this?

A: This is often caused by a lawn disease. The problem, if left untreated can spread, or lead to dead spots in your lawn.


Lawn care is a very big industry, which services millions of people every year. Whether you do not have the time to care for the lawn yourself or simply aren’t up to the task, there are a number of landscaping experts that are readily available to help with lawn care needs. These are commonly found in the yellow pages under ‘Landscaping’ and most businesses can provide you with an instant quote over the telephone if you have detailed information regarding your specific lawn care needs.

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